5 Ways to Reduce or Eliminate Bloating
Bloating is common for some individual after eating. Your belly feels swollen and you will feel discomfort and stuffed feeling. And your stomach also look bigger and after the bloating eliminate you can feel the stomach decrease in size. Here I shared 5 ways how to deal with bloating.

"Bloating" is not the same as water retention, but the two terms are often used interchangeably. Put simply, bloating involves excessive amounts of solids, liquids or gas in your digestive system.
1. Don't Eat Too Much at a Time
Eat smaller and frequent meals will help if you regularly feeling bloated after eating big meal. Chew well the foods you eaten also help to decrease the amount of air you swallow with the food (air cause the bloating) and it also makes you eat slower, which is linked to reduced food intake and smaller portions. Eating in hurry and quick can easily cause bloating because you swallow lots of air.
2. Don't Eat Foods That Give You Gas

Some high-fiber foods can make people produce large amounts of gas. Try keeping a food diary to figure out if certain foods tend to make you more gassy or bloated than others. Since fiber is good for health, you should eliminate and decrease high-fiber foods that cause you to bloated. Foods high in fat can also slow down digestion and the emptying of the stomach. This can have benefits for satiety (and possibly help with weight loss), but can be a problem for people with a tendency to bloat. Try to eat less fatty foods.
3. Don't Be Constipated
Constipation often exacerbate symptoms of bloating. Drink plenty of water, exercise regularly and increase fiber intake can prevent constipation. A diet rich in leafy-green vegetables, brown rice, whole grains, beans, and certain nuts like almonds, will keep your bowel moving.
4. Take More Probiotic
Probiotic has shows positive effects on symptoms of constipation. It support healthy digestion and also can improve #gut#gut health and overall well being. Learn more about How Probiotic Can Supercharge Your Health. A healthy gut depends on a balance of intestinal flora, or bacteria, and so do healthy bowel movements. In an antibacterial world, we shouldn't be so quick to turn up our nose at foods with live bacteria in them, like fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, tempe, kefir, and kimchi, in addition to eating yogurt with live cultures in it. Eating "live" foods like these can encourage the diversity and richness of our intestinal flora. If fermented foods make your palate sour, then try taking a daily probiotic supplement.
5. Try a Low FODMAP diet
Low FODMAP diet usually for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome(IBS). FODMAPs are not readily absorbed in the small intestine causing fluid to be pulled into the intestinal lumen, and the remaining carbohydrates to be fermented in the colon causing gas production. By removing the carbohydrates with these properties from the diet, you will see a reduction in symptoms. Speak to your Dietitians to initiate low FODMAP diet.
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