About Norshaziera

Hello My Name is Norshaziera Salim

I’m the blogger and writer behind Healthy Living, a health and wellness platform helping peoples to live healthFULLY rather than living for their health.
Sounds different, right? I love playing volleyball and started to learn basic yoga. I find yoga is amazing. 

Over the past 4 years, I have shifted my belief that healthy living is about extending the years of your life, to instead extending the quality of your life. Life should be about prioritizing your health, but not at the sake of living your life. That’s why I believe in living healthFULLY. The healthy feeling is awesome. 

Though I was born and raised in Setiu, Terengganu, I now live in Pantai Dalam, Kuala Lumpur with my friends. Well, now I work in KL. In addition to sharing resources through Healthy Living, I am also a Dietitian for application development. I specialize in mobile health and remote health monitoring.

I really hope everyone enjoys reading here as I am enjoying writing. 

I am so happy to connect with you on social media. You can find me at:

Twitter: norshaziera1
Instagram: @health_yliving

Iera also just started Vlog Healthy Living so don't forget to subscribe my youtube channel at: 



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